
On this page I have listed what the councils are each responsible for which I hope will be useful.

Gloucester City council:

They deal with things like Street Lighting, Refuse Collection and Recycling. Leisure, Housing, and Highways are also covered. The best contact number for the City council is 396396,email or via

The council also operate recycling schemes in our area. Recycled material can be left out in the Green Recycling box the same day as your normal household or Green waste bin is collected, as can the Food waste Caddy. If you require a Green Box, or food waste caddy please contact them.

Gloucestershire County council:

They deal with things like Education, Social Services, Fire Service and Major Highways issues and transport issues. The best number for the County Council is 425000, email or via

For Enquiries on Bus and Train Timetables call 0870 608 2608- local call charges apply- this is a service provided by the county council.